Wednesday, December 30, 2009
cookie dough balls
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
homemade oreos
"A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand"Unknown
It’s a good thing I didn’t have the ice cream last night. My 6’-3” 250lb coworker just came over to say “Not to offend you, but I find it highly amusing that Helene and Brendan can walk by each other in the copier aisle, and you and I totally wouldn’t fit.” ….um…thanks? Not sure why he felt the need to share that as I was mentally calculating if I should make Oreo cookies or regular chocolate chip tonight...
Whatever, I’m still making cookies. I have my first dinner guests tomorrow night!
confessions of a fat kid
Last night, I made the boy watch Biggest Loser. Although I recently ran two consecutive half marathons and then a 10k, I haven’t worked out since. I’m going on week three of riding out the concentrated miles completed wave. I believe the intent of Biggest Loser is to motivate people to get off the couch and work out.
I gotta work out. I keep saying it all the time. I keep saying I gotta start working out. It’s been about two months since I’ve worked out. And I just don’t have the time. Which us… is odd. Because, I have the time to go out to dinner. And uh... watch tv. And get a bone density test. And uh… try to figure out when my phone number spells in words….” – Ellen DeGeneres
Honestly? It made me want ice cream. Pshh I can run a half marathon. Okay, so not fast or well, but I can do it before they close the race and I can still hobble around the next day – I’m counting it.
Yep, I watched Biggest Loser and it made me hungry. Does this phenomenon happen to anyone else?
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
apple crisp
Maybe I made it up that he was coming for dinner, maybe the boy eluded to feeding him... either way I made a quick greenbean casserole to flush out the leftovers and added some caprese skewers for appetizers. I slapped the boy's hand away and made him wait for his friend. An hour plus later, the sidekick shows up after his grad class. Guess who wasn't hungry? Yeah, he had to run. You know you're a fat kid when the boy went to fill my plate with seconds and I said 'No thanks, I'm good' and he asked 'is something wrong?'
I just want to host a dinner party!
skinny cow
This morning, as I was dumping about half a cup’s worth of whole milk into my watered down espresso I had the internal thought to switch to skim milk. “I’d probably drop some pounds just by weaning myself off the cow…” Then my very thin French coworker came over and said “K, you have lost a lot of weight, no?” Interestingly enough, I weighed myself this morning, as I’ve been known to do about oh… say… 6 times a day, and am up a pound. I’m not even wearing black. It’s amazing how much someone suggesting that I could be a thinner version of my summer self really makes my day brighter! This means I can probably hit up the candy bowl a few extra times today, right?