Wednesday, December 30, 2009

cookie dough balls

"Broken cookies don't have calories" Unknown
It's always fun when you get your final paycheck print-out and you look down in the corner to read Year-to-date Earnings ~ some decent seeming number for a inexperienced young professional out of college.

Then you look at the way bottom of the page and it reads "Net Earnings" and you want to drown yourself in a sea of ice cream floating clumps of unbaked cookie dough balls, because that's what you really get to spend.

After you realize it's been two years since you graduated and if you continue climbing the corporate ladder at this rate you'll never pay off your student loans, maybe your credit card debt, but definitely never afford to go on vacation without your parents supplemental monetary aid.

At least you know, that someday you can give the gift of life long debt by encouraging your children to go to college. You wish someone had explained that getting a degree really meant, "you'll be able to get a job other than McDonald's, except you might actually make more if you were the manager at McDonald's"...

If only someone had encouraged becoming a lawyer instead of an architect, then dinner would consist of organic delicacies instead of bumblebee tuna cans. Does anyone else feel like they didn't get that memo?